Over the past year, SUISA again experienced an increase in revenue from copyrights. Overall, copyright earnings from domestic and international business totalled CHF 141.3 million, which equates to an increase of 4.1% over the previous year. Trends in the digital sphere have also contributed to this...
Many remunerations for numerous authors and an efficient administration - a success to be applied in the digital economy as well (text available only in German and French).
An agreement on copyright levies for smartphones has been reached between manufacturers and importers of smartphones, consumer organisations and the Swiss collecting societies.
At its General Assembly, SUISA, the Cooperative Society of Music Authors and Publishers, reported declining revenues for 2012. Compared with 2011, copyright revenues declined 3.3% to CHF 131.7mn. Yet the Swiss continue to be extremely active in the musical field. Membership increased by 4.7% over...
In the Membership Manifesto issued at today’s General Meeting, SUISA members demand recognition of their rights, especially in the digital sphere. SUISA is the Swiss Cooperative
Society for Authors and Publishers of Music: in the 2011 financial year, it distributed CHF 9 out of every CHF 10...
At its extraordinary meeting on November 15th, 2011, the Board of Directors of the SSA has unanimously designated the new executive management of the society: M. Jürg Ruchti, CEO and M. Patrick Willy, Director human resources & finance, operating as deputy of the CEO.
SUISA’s 2010 financial statements were approved by its General Assembly on June 18, 2011 in Bern. Last year, SUISA distributed CHF 117.3 million (2009: CHF 119.5 million). After an average cost-coverage deduction of 11.95%, more than 88% of SUISA’s royalty revenues were distributed to publishers,...
BRUSSELS - JUNE 9, 2011 – CISAC, International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, announces the appointment of Mr. Olivier Hinnewinkel as its new Director General. He will contribute to the recognition and protection of creators’ rights in a global digital economy. With 229...