Legal notice



The Swiss collective rights management organisations ProLitteris, SSA, SUISA, SUISSIMAGE, SWISSPERFORM

Editorial team

Regula Obi, SUISA
Giorgio Tebaldi, SUISA

Editorial contributions

Valentin Blank, ProLitteris
Jürg Ruchti, SSA
Andreas Wegelin, SUISA
Valentin Blank, SUISSIMAGE


Bernard Bührer
Peter Flowers
Marina Graham
Giusy Righetto
Yves Schmutz
Supertext AG


moxi ltd. Biel


Photo: Robert Huber
Photo: Robert Huber
Photo: Tabea Hüberli
Photo: Tabea Hüberli
Photo: Tabea Hüberli
Photo: Tabea Hüberli
Photo: Robert Huber
Photo: Robert Huber
Photo: Bet_Noire/Thinkstock
Photo: Bet_Noire/Thinkstock

Legal Notice

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