
The distribution of monies is made in accordance with the distribution regulations. These are established by the members of the collective rights management organisations and reviewed and approved by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (Art. 48, Para. 1 Federal Copyright Law, URG). In this connection, it is important that the collective rights management organisations are organised either in the form of a cooperative or association and that their members are responsible for deciding the destiny of their collective rights management organisation. Indeed, it is the rightholders themselves who determine the distribution rules whereby they are always bound by the principle of equal treatment (Art. 45, Para. 2 Federal Copyright Law, URG). 

Once the distribution regulations have been approved by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IGE), it is still possible to appeal the decision within the time limits established by law. Thereafter the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property will continue to investigate any complaints relating to supervision and if necessary issue amendment instructions.

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Philippe Saire

"The SSA takes great care in analysing the author's creative process and often anticipates the needs that may arise when an author asserts his rights."