
International committees and associations

The Swiss collective rights management organisations are involved in the most important international committees on behalf of the authors, publishers, artists and producers.

Among these are:

  • CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers), the global umbrella organisation of collective rights management organisations for all repertoires
  • EVA (European Visual Artists)
  • Ifrro (International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations)
  • GESAC, European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers; amalgamation of collective rights management organisations in the music area 
  • SAA (Society of Audiovisual Authors); a European association of authors of audiovisual works. The SAA represents the authors’ rights in those countries where there is no responsible collective rights management organisation. 
  • EUROCOPYA (European Federation of Joint Management Societies of Producers for Private Audiovisual Copying), is an umbrella organisation of film and television producers’ collecting societies for the private copy area. 
  • SCAPR Societies Council for the Administration of Performers’ Rights); association of neighbouring rights administration societies for cooperation in the area of international interchange 
  • IPDA (International Performers Database Association) 
  • AEPO (Association of European Performers Organisations) 

Philippe Saire

"The SSA takes great care in analysing the author's creative process and often anticipates the needs that may arise when an author asserts his rights."