
Support of cultural, provident care and social projects and solidarity with the artists

The cultural and social activities of the collective rights management organisations are generally conducted via funds or foundations established by them for this purpose. It is therefore the members of the collective rights management organisations who determine the main focus in the cultural and social areas. They have created independent structures with which to determine the cultural projects to be supported. The social benefits provided are set out in the regulations or decided on a case by case basis. For example, some provident care foundations provide pension payments from a particular age. These are either calculated on the basis of the most successful years in terms of author’s rights royalties or according to the artists’ total incomes. This practice is essentially much more generous than that of the conventional 1st- and 2nd-pillar system. The publishers and film producers may also receive financial contributions for their own provident care institutions. In addition, the collective rights management organisations provide a special aid system for authors and artists who have fallen into financial difficulties.

The general assemblies of the collective rights management organisations have approved the apportionment of a part of the revenues to support cultural and social activities (Art. 48 al. 2 LDA).

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Christian Samuel Weber

"I am grateful that a strong rights management organisation is defending my rights and supporting me indirectly in my acting career."